TRAFFIC management





Neighborhood Transportation Solutions


Managing traffic effectively requires innovative approaches to all transportation modes in addition to parking management, such as: zone-based or time of day parking fees; Transit Oriented Developments; pedestrian plans; bicycle connectivity, and; neighborhood traffic management programs. GroTrans can assist cities when facing the pressures of traffic growth and mobility challenges in an era where the emphasis is on sustainability. The next generation of transportation management strategies and performance measures should be part of a city's General Plan that address the sustainable urban goals of the city with an expanded system of context-based street classifications, an arterial speed management program, an enhanced neighborhood traffic management program- all included in management strategies for sustainable transportation.

Safe Routes to School

As transportation professionals, we have a unique opportunity to foster health for our children and communities by adopting Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs.  These programs provide clearly marked routes to make walking and bicycling to school safe for all children, including those with disabilities.  By increasing the number of children who walk and bike to school, we enhance their physical health and well-being, mitigate traffic congestion around schools, and improve the air quality and overall quality of life for our communities.  SRTS Best Practices are based on the "Six E's" of ...


neighborhood TRAFFIC calming

As population and vehicular traffic continue to grow, major roadways and intersections become more congested. As this occurs, frustrated motorists often resort to the use of residential streets to bypass congested roadways or overloaded intersections. Motorists cutting through residential neighborhoods often ignore residential speed limits, particularly when the street design accommodates higher speeds. Some local residents also drive through their own neighborhoods in an inattentive or careless manner. The result is an ever increasing number of residents expressing concerns about the “safety” and “livability” of their neighborhoods.

Neighborhood traffic management, also known as traffic calming, has become a major focus in local government and the traffic engineering profession. The purpose of a neighborhood traffic calming program is to create a framework that would result in a practical approach to traffic management that reflects the current public sentiment and values, and acknowledges the impact traffic has upon the quality of life experienced by its residents. The objective is to put a policy in place which deals with what traffic management devices are acceptable and under what conditions, and have this policy endorsed by the public, other municipal staff, stakeholders and the politicians.