Areas of Expertise

GroTrans Engineering, LLC offers comprehensive transportation planning, engineering, and implementation solutions.  We leverage our founder's 35 years of experience to ensure that our clients realize the full benefit of her expertise.  We specialize in Neighborhood Transportation Solutions, Multi-Modal Solutions, and Protecting Infrastructure Investment.  

Full Complement of Expertise Areas:

  • Program

  • Design

  • Build

  • Maintain

Scroll down to learn more about Jenny's perspective and how our team can facilitate the success of your next project.


traffic management | Safe routes to school  |  Neighborhood Traffic Calming

Neighborhood Transportation Solutions


TRAnsportation PLANNING, ENGINEERING & IMPLEMENTATION for all modes: VEHICLEs | BIcycles | PEDESTRiANs | bus & rail transit


Multi-Modal Solutions


Maintaining your infrastructure investment;

best practices from the nation's fifth largest city

Protecting Infrastructure Investment
